
Hey there! You can call me karumaru92, or km92, for short. I've been wanting to create a website for myself for a long time, so that's what I'm doing! Here, I intend to create a blog where I'll eventually be writing in all three of the languages that matter to me the most, those being English, Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese.

I say eventually, though — and you might've noticed a certain lack of Japanese in this site — because initially, I'll only be writing bilingual posts in English and Portuguese. I have recently began studying Japanese again after a long time and I feel nowhere near being able to write very complex texts in that language yet, so I'm postponing it for now. I'd rather do that and wait until I know how to say what I really wanna say than to have to limit myself to writing only the simpler stuff that my current knowledge would allow.

My goal is to eventually make of this site a place where I can not only talk about my various interests (and there are many of them!) but also provide reading content in the aforementioned language trio so anyone learning those languages could use it as reading practice.

This very website is still under construction, which means I'll be making a lot of small updates in the following days, until it takes the shape I really want it to have. (Even this very text is temporary!)

So, if you're interested, check back later and maybe you'll see something new. I'll be seeing you!

My name is karumaru92. I'm a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese currently learning Japanese from English (or at least trying to!) Meu nome é karumaru92. Sou um falante nativo de português brasileiro e atualmente estou estudando japonês a partir do inglês (ou pelo menos tentando!)
Website launched!
Blog coming soon!
Website inaugurado!
Blog em breve!

Added Portuguese version of the welcome message! Adicionada versão em português da mensagem de boas-vindas!